Electronic Documents of Illinois
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- Press releases which come from the Illinois Office of Communication and Information (IOCI) related to the Illinois state agencies under the Governor's executive office. The Press releases attached are from the month of July 2009.
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Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: 2009 Number or Issue: July Date Created: Date Last Modified: Librarian Remarks: |
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This is part of a series. It is part of Press releases from the Governor's agencies: 21563 This is the parent of a series. Its descendents are:- Massac County Tentative Multiplier Announced 2009 July 1: 23000
- State Regulators Close Founders Group and Appoint the FDIC as Receiver 2009 July 2: 23001
- State Department on Aging urges residents to "Break the Silence" to increase awareness about Elder Abuse 2009 July 2: 23002
- State Public Health Director Reminds Illinoisans H1N1 Influenza is Still Circulating 2009 July 2: 23003
- Reproduction U.S. Grant casket to be displayed in Galena July 18 August 23 2009 July 3: 23005
- Illinois law enforcement begins You Drink and Drive. You Lose. July 4th crackdown on impaired drivers 2009 July 2: 23006
- Federal Assistance Approved for Six Southern Illinois Counties Affected by May 8 Storms 2009 July 2: 23008
- State Veterans' Affairs announce "Helping our Hometown Heroes" event in Effingham for local veterans, families and friends 2009 July 3: 23009
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity launches LIHEAP summer cooling program 2009 July 6: 23117
- Logan County Final Multiplier Announced 2009 July 6: 23118
- Wabash County Final Multiplier Announced 2009 July 6: 23119
- Last Chance to Purchase an Illinois State Fair Mega Pass for Discounted Price 2009 July 7: 23120
- Illinois State Museum Director Named to Chair National Accreditation Post 2009 July 7: 23121
- Civil War and country music 2009 July 8: 23122
- Poets in the Parlor July 11 at Vachel Lindsay Home to commemorate Lincoln Bicentennial 2009 July 7: 23123
- IDOT Announces Lane Closure on EB I-290 for Ramp Work Approaching Circle Interchange 2009 July 6: 23124
- Kennedy Expressway (Hubbards Cave to I-290) $9.3 Million Rehabilitation-Pile Driving Operations 2009 July 6: 23125
- Conservation Police Officers Crack Down on Drunk Boating 2009 July 8: 23126
- Sac and Fox Homeland exhibit on display through August 16 at Apple River Fort 2009 July 10: 23127
- State Veterans Affairs Announces "Helping Our Hometown Heroes" Event in Lawrenceville for Local Veterans, Families, and Friends 2009 July 9: 23128
- State Fire Marshal urges residents to discontinue use of recalled smoke alarms 2009 July 9: 23129
- Nat and Alex Wolff Concert Canceled for August 23 at Illinois State Fair 2009 July 10: 23130
- Hunters Encouraged to Sign Up for Illinois Hunter Safety Education Courses 2009 July 9: 23132
- NASCAR and Chicagoland Speedway Recognized by IDOT Officials During LifeLock.com 400 Race Weekend 2009 July 10: 23133
- State Public Health Director Presents at All-Day H1N1 Flu Preparedness Summit to Further Prepare For the Possibility of A More Severe Outbreak Of H1N1 Flu In The Fall 2009 July 10: 23134
- Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs Hosts Helping Our Hometown Heroes Event in Lawrenceville 2009 July 10: 23135
- Governor Quinn Announces that Illinois Homeland Security Program Rated in Top 4 Percent in Nation 2009 July 12: 23136
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources: July Newsbits 2009 July 6: 23137
- Dear Editor: July is Elder Abuse Awareness Month in Illinois. 2009 July: 23138
- Indian tales and stargazing program July 25 at Apple River Fort 2009 July 14: 23139
- 2009 Illinois Public Health Emergency Preparedness Summit 2009 July 13: 23140
- Alexander County Tentative Multiplier Announced 2009 July 13: 23141
- Jefferson County Final Multiplier Announced 2009 July 13: 23142
- Illinois Department of Human Services to Celebrate 19th Anniversary of Historic Americans With Disabilities Act 2009 July 14: 23143
- Visit a treasure next door: Half price Museum admission during August for residents of Kankakee, Livingston and Iroquois Counties 2009 July 15: 23144
- "The Civil War" pre-show July 24 26 features well-known Civil War music performer 2009 July 15: 23145
- State Veterans Affairs Announces "Helping Our Hometown Heroes" Event in Batavia for Local Veterans, Families, and Friends 2009 July 14: 23146
- Washington County Final Multiplier Announced 2009 July 14: 23147
- Illinois Department on Aging hosts 23rdt Annual Elder Rights Conference during Elder Abuse Awareness Month 2009 July 15: 23148
- IDNR to Release More Fish Into Rock River: Stocking to assist recovery of fishery following June fish kill 2009 July 15: 23149
- "Let us be bold with our songs" Saturday, July 18 at Vachel Lindsay Home 2009 July 15: 23150
- "Black Bill", 1827 Winnebago War, and African American veterans rights featured in latest Journal of Illinois History 2006 July 16: 23151
- Illinois Arts Council Presents Midwest Folk Festival: Local and folk cultures of the region come alive at free festival 2009 July: 23152
- ISAC to Illinois Students: $105 Million Available for College Loans: 14 Illinois credit unions join to make college dreams possible 2009 July 15: 23153
- Preparing for H1N1 Flu and Other Public Health Emergencies: 2009 Illinois Public Health Emergency Preparedness Summit "Strengthening Illinois Through Community Engagement" 2009 July 15: 23154
- Cook County Tentative Multiplier Announced 2009 July 15: 23155
- Orientation program August 11 for new Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum volunteers 2009 July 17: 23156
- June Jobless Rate Inches Higher to 10.3 Percent: 0.2 Percent Increase Tempered by Slowing Job Loss 2009 July 16: 23157
- First Bird in Southern Illinois Tests Positive for West Nile virus 2009 July 16: 23158
- Department on Aging Hosts 23rd Annual Elder Rights Conference during Elder Abuse Awareness Month: Outstanding workers and volunteers recognized at the conference in Lincolnshire 2009 July 17: 23159
- Twilight Parade Entry Deadline Approaching: Application Deadline is Friday, July 24th 2009 July 17: 23160
- Gov. Quinn Announces Jackson, Williamson Counties Approved for SBA Assistance: Homeowners, businesses affected by May 8 storm eligible to apply for low-interest loans 2009 July 17: 23161
- State Public Health Department Prepares for Fall Flu Season as H1N1 Influenza Continues to Circulate: 3,357 confirmed and probable H1N1 influenza cases, 15 deaths in Illinois 2009 July 17: 23162
- Putnam County Final Multiplier Announced 2009 July 17: 23163
- St. Clair County Final Multiplier Announced 2009 July 17: 23164
- Statewide Public Health Response to Hepatitis A Outbreak in Rock Island County: Illinois Public Health Mutual Aid System activated to assist with clinic 2009 July 19: 23165
- John D. Rogner Named Assistant Director of Illinois Department of Natural Resources 2009 July 20: 23166
- New Ken Bradbury drama about Mary Lincoln to be performed July 25 at Old State Capitol 2009 July 20: 23167
- Looking for Lincoln Waysides Arriving in Quincy on July 21: 24 Storyboards for Western Loop, 15 for Quincy 2009 : 23168
- Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs hosts ceremony honoring local World War II Veterans 2009 July 20: 23169
- Illinois Supreme Court Historic Preservation Commission: Award to be presented to Judge George N. Leighton 2009 July 20: 23170
- Hardin County Tentative Multiplier Announced 2009 July 20: 23171
- Jackson County Final Multiplier Announced 2009 July 20: 23172
- Mercer County Final Multiplier Announced 2009 July 20: 23173
- Scott County Final Multiplier Announced 2009 July 20: 23174
- $10.7 Million Collected from Voluntary Disclosure Program 2009 July 20: 23175
- State Commodity Board Election Results Announced 2009 July 21: 23176
- Chief Thurman of the Sac and Fox Nation to visit Apple River Fort in Elizabeth on July 31 2009 July 22: 23177
- Chief Thurman of the Sac and Fox Nation to visit Apple River Fort in Elizabeth on July 31 2009 July 22: 23178
- Archaeology Day August 1 at Cahokia Mounds 2009 July 21: 23179
- Archaeology Day August 1 at Cahokia Mounds 2009 July 21: 23180
- "Jazz in Bloom" at Dana-Thomas House Saturday evening, August 1 2009 July 22: 23181
- Last Chance for College Illinois! Newborn Enrollment: Final two weeks to lock in current prices on Illinois tax-advantaged 529 prepaid tuition plan 2009 July 20: 23183
- Beardstown Dedicates 6 New Waysides on Lincoln Story Trail 2009 July 21: 23186
- Looking for Lincoln Waysides Arriving in Decatur: Of the 49 Storyboards for Lincoln Story Trail, 14 are for Decatur 2009 July 21: 23187
- Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs hosts ceremony honoring local World War II Veterans 2009 July 21: 23188
- Department of Insurance Urges Consumers to Explore Health Insurance Options for Domestic Partners 2009 July 22: 23189
- Illinois EPA hosts water quality program in DePue: Agencys "Lake Monitoring Day" is being held Tuesday as part of Lake Festival 2009 July 22: 23190
- Governor Quinn Announces Hamilton, Union Counties Approved for Federal Assistance 2009 July 22: 23191
- Springfield Veteran to receive July 2009 "Veteran of the Month" Award from Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs 2009 July 22: 23192
- New loan to help first-time IL homebuyers: Home Start advances $8,000 federal tax credit to help with down payment 2009 July 22: 23193
- 2009 Illinois State Fair Press Preview Day 2009 July 23: 23194
- Illinois Controlled Pheasant Hunting Reservation Information Now Available Online 2009 July 23: 23195
- Department of Healthcare and Family Services collects over $1 billion in child support during fiscal year 2009 2009 July 23: 23196
- Hands on the Land: "Agriculture then and now" family event August 8 in Union Square Park 2009 July 24: 23197
- Antique Car Exhibition August 1 at David Davis Mansion 2009 July 23: 23198
- Liquor Control Commission Monthly Underage Compliance Report 2009 July 30: 32227