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  • IDOC Highlights Re-Entry During Second Chance Month


  • Press release: During this years Second Chance Month, the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) highlights the importance of empowering individuals with meaningful opportunities for success during incarceration and while reentering their communities.

Originally Deposited as: 216054

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2023
Number or Issue: April 17

Date Created: 04-17-2023
Date Last Modified: 04-17-2023

Librarian Remarks:

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1. IDOC Highlights Re-Entry During Second Chance Month (26348-IDOC_Highlights_Re-Entry_During_Second_Chance_Month.pdf).
Document Size: Software: MS Word Version: 11

This is part of a series. It is part of Press releases from the Governor's agencies: 103450