Electronic Documents of Illinois
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Users should pay particular attention to version identification or dates of publication of documents retrieved. Earlier, possibly superseded, versions of documents are also stored here. TitleMonthly Briefing
- A monthly report from the Illinois Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability on topics related to the States finances and the economy. The report contains an update on State revenue from taxes, fees, and other sources, along with current economic indicators. In addition to these items, the briefing often has articles on such topics as the economy, employment, wages, inflation, taxes, debt, spending, and other topics related to State finance and budgeting. The briefing usually is released on the first or second business day of the month.
Originally Deposited as: 214880
Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: 2024 Number or Issue: July Date Created: 08-02-2024 Date Last Modified: 08-02-2024 Librarian Remarks: |
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1. Monthly Briefing (724Monthly.pdf).Document Size: Software: Adobe Acrobat Version: 7.x This is part of a series. It is part of Monthly Briefing: 15909