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  • Criminal History Record Checks For Federally Assisted Housing Applications 2023 Report


  • Around five million low-income U.S. households, including over 220,000 Illinois households, utilize federally assisted housing (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2022-a). Nearly nine out of ten households receiving assistance are supported by three rental assistance programs overseen by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and administered locally by public housing authorities (PHAs) (see Text Box 1; Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2022-b). Like other individuals with limited incomes, those with criminal histories may apply forfederally assisted housing to support themselves and their families. Yet the policies of PHAs vary regarding the circumstances under which people with criminal justice histories can obtain and retain public housing.

Originally Deposited as: 213128

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 03-27-2024
Date Last Modified: 03-27-2024

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1. Result from the 2000 Illinois Adult Probation Outcome Study (CriminalHistoryRecordChecksforFederallyAssistedHousingApplications2023ReportREADYFORPUBLISHING-240327T213018731.pdf).
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