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  • Jesse White Encourages Organ/Tissue Donation for Virtual National Minority Donor Awareness Month


  • Secretary of State Jesse White is hosting a virtual National Minority Donor Awareness Month to promote organ/tissue donation for multicultural communities at

Originally Deposited as: 213338

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2022
Number or Issue: August 1

Date Created: 08-01-2022
Date Last Modified: 08-01-2022

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1. Jesse White Encourages Organ/Tissue Donation for Virtual National Minority Donor Awareness Month (25244-Jesse_White_Encourages_Organ_Tissue_Donation_for_Virtual_National_Minority_Donor_Awareness_Month.pdf).
Document Size: Software: Illinois EPA Director Seals Taylorville Kroger Grocery Store Due to Asbestos Contamination and Refers The Kroger Co. and SSI Services, LLC to the Illinois Attorney General�s Office for Enforcement Version: 11

This is part of a series. It is part of Press releases from the Governor's agencies: 99007