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Electronic Documents of Illinois

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  • Three-Year Budget Forecast FY ... - FY ...


  • As part of Public Act 96-0958, the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability is directed to annually develop a three-year budget forecast for the State, including opportunities and threats concerning anticipated revenues and expenditures, with an appropriate level of detail. This report represents the Commissions mandated three-year budget forecast. It begins with an examination of the State of Illinois General Funds revenues and expenditures over the last 20 years, and then considers threats and opportunities to Illinois budget. Finally, it concludes with potential three-year budget results based upon scenario analysis.

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This is the parent of a series. Its descendents are:

  1. Three-Year Budget Forecast FY 2023 - FY 2025 2022 March : 94850
  2. Three-Year Budget Forecast FY 2025 - FY 2027 2024 April: 106690