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  • Southeast Rockford Groundwater Contamination Superfund Project: Source Area 7 Remedial Investigation Results


  • used for both household and industrial waste. Early aerial photographs of Area 7 show evidence of waste disposal and excavation from 1959 through 1970. The area, located north of Balsam Lane in Rockford, now contains a field, wooded areas and Ekberg Park. The depth of contamination varies from four feet below ground surface to at least 29 feet. Illinois EPA estimates that there are approximately 265,000 cubic yards of highly contaminated soil beneath the ground surface. Illinois EPA soil borings show sands, silts and clay to bedrock. Bedrock varies between 35 and 135 feet below ground surface. The water table varies from 36 feet below ground surface south of the park, to 13 feet in the park and 2 feet near the creek. The groundwater flows to the northwest.

Originally Deposited as: 22028

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2001
Number or Issue: February

Date Created: 05 25 2012
Date Last Modified: 05 25 2012

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