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  • Gilberts/Kedzie Property Former Battery Recycling Facility


  • In 2004, both Illinois EPA and U.S. EPA investigated the location of a former battery cracking and recycling operation in Gilberts. The main site is located immediately north of the intersection of Railroad and Mill Streets bounded by Galligan Road on the east and the Chicago and Northwestern Railway on the west. It is in an area that is mostly wooded near both industrial and residential properties. Lead acid batteries were cracked open to recover the lead. Some of the lead seeped into the ground along with the acid contained in the batteries. Extensive environmental sampling last summer identified a six-acre area of gross contamination (mainly lead). Later, a second area of contamination was discovered to the southwest, where the Village of Gilberts Public Works building is now located, west of the railroad tracks - this is known as the Tower Hill Road site.

Originally Deposited as: 21747

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2005
Number or Issue: May

Date Created: 05 14 2012
Date Last Modified: 05 14 2012

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