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  • Thorn Creek Watershed Based Plan


  • Water quality has been declining in Thorn Creek for the past several decades, largely due to the effects of land conversion. With conversion to cropland and urban cover, prairie has declined from an estimated 70 percent in pre-settlement times to less than 12 percent within the grassland areas. As a result, increased stormwater runoff has carried a significant pollutant burden into the stream. Aquatic communities have suffered as well, although conditions vary along the stream course. Studies at certain locations have shown poor fish diversity and a preponderance of pollution tolerant organisms. With its array of different habitat types, however, the Thorn Creek watershed still supports a large number of species for its size, made possible in large part by the conservation of natural areas in forest preserve lands along the stream.

Originally Deposited as: 21136

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2005
Number or Issue: December

Date Created: 02 03 2006
Date Last Modified: 11 06 2009

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