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  • State Public Health Director Kicks-Off Illinois Immunization and Communicable Disease Conference and Illinois Public Health Nursing Summit


  • Dr. Damon T. Arnold, state public health director, will give opening remarks at 10 tomorrow morning for the 2010 Illinois Immunization and Communicable Disease Conference and Illinois Public Health Nursing Summit at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Springfield. The conference is an opportunity for health professionals to learn the latest and share information about diagnosis, treatment, prevention and management of numerous communicable and vaccine preventable diseases.

Originally Deposited as: 14345

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2010
Number or Issue: June 20

Date Created: 06 20 2010
Date Last Modified: 06 20 2010

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1. State Public Health Director Kicks-Off Illinois Immunization and Communicable Disease Conference and Illinois Public Health Nursing Summit (072010IDPHCDConferenceadvisory.doc).
Document Size:97792 Software: Microsoft Office Word Version: 97-2003

This is part of a series. It is part of Press releases from the Governor's agencies: 30553