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  • IBHE to Act on FY2005 Budget Recommendations


  • Press release announcing that the Illinois Board of Higher Education will act February 3, 2004 on a $2.34 billion general funds budget for higher education operations and grants in fiscal 2005. The recommended budget represents a decrease of $79.8 million, or 3.3 percent from fiscal 2004 appropriations.

Originally Deposited as: 10192

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Phone Number:

Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2004
Number or Issue: January 30

Date Created: 01 30 2004
Date Last Modified: 04 14 2004

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1. IBHE to Act on FY2005 Budget Recommendations (20090722203132_0130_BUDGET.pdf).
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This is part of a series. It is part of News from the Illinois Board of Higher Education 2004: 20051