Electronic Documents of Illinois
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Users should pay particular attention to version identification or dates of publication of documents retrieved. Earlier, possibly superseded, versions of documents are also stored here. TitleDescriptive Inventory of the Archives of the State of Illinois
- The Descriptive Inventory covers state governmental records as well as some related federal governmental records held by the State Archives at the Margaret Cross Norton Building in Springfield. It represents the efforts of the Illinois State Archives to make its records holdings as fully known and accessible as practicable.
Originally Deposited as: 7496
Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: 1996 Number or Issue: Second Edition Date Created: 1996 Date Last Modified: 03 18 1998 Librarian Remarks: |
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1. Descriptive Inventory of the Archives of the State of Illinois: Second Edition (20081020184154_illstate.pdf).Document Size:2414708 Software: Acrobat Distiller Version: 3.0 for Windows