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Electronic Documents of Illinois

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  • Animal Health Newsletter


  • This is a publication of the Bureau of Animal Health. Items in this issue include "Henry County Regains PRV Stage IV Status," "Testing Captive Cervidae for Tuberculosis," "Chronic Wasting Disease," "BSE Update," "Intestine Submission Guidelines," "Cytology Submission," "Submission of Samples for Johnes Culturing," "Rabies Submission," "Laboratories Approved For EIA, Bluetongue, Bovine Leukosis and Equine Viral Arteritis," "Johnes Restricted Herds," "Ad Hoc Committee for Johnes Disease to Meet," "Pre-Harvest Food Safety Grant," "Statewide Survey for Captive Deer, Elk, Bison and Ratites," "Retirements," "Clip n File," "State/County Fair Rules," "Bovine Brucellosis Update," and "Free Publications Available."

Originally Deposited as: 7474

Published By:
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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 5
Number or Issue: 1

Date Created: 2001
Date Last Modified: 10 16 2008

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This is part of a series. It is part of Animal Health Newsletter: 11937