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  • Illinois Familias Ahora y para Siempre


  • Illinois Familias Ahora y para Siempre, also known as Crianza Illinois, is a publication from Department of Children and Family Services for families parenting children who are or have been in the department's care. This publication provides updates on department policy and useful information to help foster families. The publication extends the audience to include adoptive and guardianship families. Items in this issue: Del Director de DCFS, Ganadores de las becas de estudio de DCFS, Nueva estructura administrativa de DCFS, Consejos sobre desarrollo para la primera infancia, Cambios en las normas para fugados y cuidadores mayores, Recursos para despus de la adopcin o tutela legal, Cuntelo tal como es - las familias se expresan, Desde los archivos, Una familia para m

Originally Deposited as: 6596

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Language(s): ES-Spanish

Volume or Year: 2 2003
Number or Issue: otoo

Date Created: 11 18 2003
Date Last Modified: 11 18 2003

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