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  • Illinois Familias Ahora y para Siempre


  • Illinois Familias Ahora y para Siempre, also known as Crianza Illinois, is a publication from Department of Children and Family Services for families parenting children who are or have been in the department's care. This publication provides updates on department policy and useful information to help foster families. The publication extends the audience to include adoptive and guardianship families. Items in this issue: Del Director de DCFS, Visin general del nuevo programa de Evaluacin integrada, Planifique ahora el campamento de verano y la diversin familiar, Opine en la encuesta de lectores 2004, Boletn del Statewide Advisory Council, Puesta al da del Adoption Advisory Council de Illinois, Nuevas reglas de la corte para apelaciones de terminacin, Una familia para m, A quin llamar cuando...

Originally Deposited as: 6594

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Language(s): ES-Spanish

Volume or Year: 2 2004
Number or Issue: Primavera

Date Created: 04 20 2004
Date Last Modified: 04 20 2004

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