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  • Results of the 2006-2007 Non-resident Deer Hunter Survey


  • Survey to characterize the hunting activity, land access, expenditures and motivations of nonresident deer hunters in Illinois. Abstract: A random sample of 3,000 non-residents who purchased deer hunting permits in Illinois during the 2006-2007 season were selected from license sales data. An 11-page questionnaire was mailed to the selected sample in January-March 2007. We received 1,916 useable responses from 2,945 deliverable addresses (65% response rate). Non-resident hunters purchased the most permits per hunter during the firearm deer hunting season, but hunted the most days during the archery deer season. Non-resident hunters harvested more large bucks (4 antler points on one side) than any other type of deer, and the harvest rate per hunter for large bucks was highest during the firearm season. Non-resident hunters spent an average of $2,142 (total) to hunt deer in Illinois for an average of 8.6 days. Eighteen percent of non-resident hunters leased land to hunt deer during 2006-2007 and paid an average of $1,435 each to do so. More hunters (37%) hired an outfitter to hunt deer in Illinois and they paid an average of $2,045 for those services. Leasing land and hiring an outfitter did not appear to increase hunters harvest over hunters who did not lease land or hire outfitters. Non-resident hunters were willing to harvest large bucks and does, but not willing to harvest small bucks or fawns. They harvested male deer and fawns at rates comparable to their stated willingness; however, they far under-harvested adult does in comparison to their reported willingness. Non-resident hunters find the quality of Illinois deer herd and their likelihood of harvesting a trophy deer the most important factors determining the quality of their hunt in Illinois. Most non-resident hunters were satisfied with the deer herd, the quality of their deer hunt and deer management in Illinois.

Originally Deposited as: 5910

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2007
Number or Issue: November 4

Date Created: 12 19 2007
Date Last Modified: 01 08 2008

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1. Results of the 2006-2007 Non-resident Deer Hunter Survey (20080606185726_NRdeer06-07RepFinal.pdf).
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