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- Annual survey of waterfowl duck, goose, and coot hunters to determine their activities, harvests, characteristics, and opinions in Illinois. Abstract: A total of 2,471 potential Illinois waterfowl hunters returned usable questionnaires for the 2006-2007 Illinois Waterfowl Hunter Survey (54% response rate). 2,304 respondents reported purchasing a 2006-2007 Illinois Migratory Waterfowl Stamp, of which 2,021 (88%) hunted waterfowl in Illinois in 2006-2007. An estimated 58,302 Illinois waterfowl hunters spent an estimated 1,194,801 days hunting during the 2006-2007 season, and they harvested an estimated 700,571 waterfowl. There were 12,378 estimated September teal hunters; they spent 43,223 days hunting, and they harvested 28,016 teal. Harvest during the regular duck season included an estimated 308,000 mallards, 38,366 wood ducks, and 161,098 other ducks, for a total of 507,464 ducks. Goose hunters harvested an estimated 14,578 Canada geese during the 2006 September season. During the regular goose season, an estimated 41,521 hunters spent 438,350 days hunting and harvested 122,294 Canada geese and 14,426 other geese. Most (>50%) waterfowl hunters considered virtually all aspects of waterfowl hunting important, most in the North Zone and Central Zone were satisfied with the duck season dates, and most supported the use of spinning wing decoys for waterfowl hunting in Illinois.
Originally Deposited as: 5868
Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: Number or Issue: Date Created: 12 19 2007 Date Last Modified: 05 08 2008 Librarian Remarks: |
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