Illinois State Library

Electronic Documents of Illinois

Electronic Documents of Illinois

Document Identification

Users should pay particular attention to version identification or dates of publication of documents retrieved. Earlier, possibly superseded, versions of documents are also stored here.


  • Publications of the State of Illinois


  • The Publications of the State of Illinois is an annual compilation of the Illinois government publications received by the Illinois Documents Section of the Illinois State Library as required by law 15 ILCS 320/21 .

Originally Deposited as: NA for serial records

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created:
Date Last Modified:

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This is the parent of a series. Its descendents are:

  1. Publications of the State of Illinois 2003 : 8261
  2. Publications of the State of Illinois 2004 : 8262
  3. Publications of the State of Illinois 2005 : 8263
  4. Publications of the State of Illinois 2006 : 8337
  5. Publications of the State of Illinois 2008 : 44086
  6. Publications of the State of Illinois 2009 : 44087
  7. Publications of the State of Illinois 2010 : 44088
  8. Publications of the State of Illinois 2012 : 47359
  9. Publications of the State of Illinois 2014 : 54869
  10. Publications of the State of Illinois 2015 : 58987
  11. Publications of the State of Illinois 2016 : 92619
  12. Publications of the State of Illinois 2017 : 104630
  13. Publications of the State of Illinois 2018 : 104166
  14. Publications of the State of Illinois 2019 : 102851
  15. Publications of the State of Illinois 2020 : 103529
  16. Publications of the State of Illinois 2021 : 103858
  17. Publications of the State of Illinois 2022 : 105657
  18. Publications of the State of Illinois 2023 : 106685