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  • Program Evaluation Summary


  • The Citizen and Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting (CLEAR) project, a state-of-the-art information technology system enabling Chicago police to quickly share crime information, promises substantial crime-fighting benefits, according to a project status report released in February 2005. The Chicago Community Policing Evaluation Consortium, a team of researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago and Northwestern University, prepared the status report on the Chicago Police Department CLEAR project. The project was supported by a federal Anti-Drug Abuse Act grant administered by the Authority. The report examined the CLEAR system's impact on police management, the department, and crime-fighting strategies, as well as on the status of the expanded statewide Illinois Citizen and Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting system, also know as ICLEAR.

Originally Deposited as: 3661

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 4 2006
Number or Issue: 3 May

Date Created: 05 01 2006
Date Last Modified: 05 10 2006

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1. CLEAR offers enhanced police efficiencies, increased accountability (20070905194245_CLEAR.pdf).
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This is part of a series. It is part of Program Evaluation Summary: 4059