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  • CAPS at ten: community policing in Chicago: an evaluation of Chicago's alternative policing strategy


  • This is the eighth report on Chicago's community policing program. The Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) was inaugurated in April 1993. After experimenting in five police districts, the program was expanded to encompass the entire city. This report examines CAPS progress through the end of 2003, more than ten years after its inception. The first section summarizes what has been learned about citizen involvement in the program, through an analysis of beat meetings and district advisory committees. The next section describes changes over time in Chicagoans' assessments of the quality of police service. Next is a description of trends in crime and fear in Chicago's neighborhoods, followed by a description of CAPS problem-solving efforts and trends in neighborhood problems. Then, the report presents an in-depth look at conditions in the Latino community. The report concludes with an analysis of new management initiatives within the Police Department aimed at enhancing the implementation of Department priorities.

Originally Deposited as: 3543

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 02 26 2004
Date Last Modified: 04 15 2004

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1. Community Policing in chicago, Year Ten: An Evaluation of Chicago's alternative Policing Strategy (20070830151726_CAPS_10.pdf).
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