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  • Disproportionate Sentencing of Minority Drug Offenders in Illinois: Report on Changes in Drug Laws 1985-2002


  • Racial disproportionality in prison admissions for drug crimes in Illinois prompted the Authority to commission a more in-depth analysis of the problem. The products of the analysis were slated to appear in four complementary reports examining the disproportionate confinement of minority drug offenders. The first discussed racial disparities in criminal justice processing for drug crimes at the national level and provided the background for the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority-commissioned analysis (Lurigio, 2004). The current report, which is the second in the series, is designed to promote a basic understanding of the structure and content of Illinois' drug laws. It discusses the major components of those laws as originally drafted as well as additions and enhancements to those laws that were enacted from 1985 to 2002.

Originally Deposited as: 3519

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 11 17 2006
Date Last Modified: 02 15 2006

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1. Disproportionate Sentencing of Minority Drug Offenders in Illinois Report on Changes in Drug Laws 1985-2002 (20070830171042_DisproportionateSentencingReport.pdf).
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