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  • Office of the Illinois State Treasurer Request for Proposals Banking Liaison January 9, 2003


  • The Treasurers Office is responsible for a number of general banking functions and oversees a variety of programs that involve banking services, including but not limited to, Bright Start, Access to Capital, Agricultural Programs, Day Care Initiative Program, Disaster Recovery, and Experience Illinois Program. Because of these responsibilities, the Treasurers Office must maintain a strong and open relationship with the banking/financial institution community. To this end, the Treasurers Office is seeking a person to serve as a Banking Liaison.

Originally Deposited as: 3167

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 01 09 2003
Date Last Modified: 01 09 2003

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1. Office of the Illinois Treasurer Request for Proposal Banking Liaison (RFPBankingLiaison1-9-03.pdf).
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