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  • Changes to Schedule M-Blending Fuels


  • Illinois Department of Revenue publication FY 2003-07 Changes to Schedule M-Blending Fuels, Informational Bulletin, To: Licensed Motor Fuel Distributors, Special Fuel Suppliers, Receivers, and Blenders Beginning with the January 2003 liability period, you must separately report your gasoline and special fuel blending activities. Schedule M (Form RMFT-29), has been revised into two separate schedules. Schedule M - Gasoline (Form RMFT-29-A) Use this schedule to report gasoline, ethanol, or other non-special fuel product blending. Schedule M - Special Fuels (Form RMFT-29-B) Use this schedule to report blending of dyed or undyed special fuel with B100/Soy Oil, 1-K Kerosene, or other blending agent to make a Bio/Petro Diesel Blend or other special fuel product.

Originally Deposited as: 1667

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2003
Number or Issue: January

Date Created: 01 29 2003
Date Last Modified: 01 29 2003

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1. FY 2003-07 Changes to Schedule M-Blending Fuels (20070205183741_Fy200307.pdf).
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This is part of a series. It is part of Informational Bulletin: Illinois Department of Revenue: 3016