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  • Results of the 2003-2004 Illinois Hunter Harvest Survey


  • A random sample of 3,000 potential hunters was selected from the 2003 Illinois Habitat Stamp stubs and license sales. The sample was evenly divided between each sample frame (1,500 from each frame). An eight page questionnaire was mailed to 2,886 of the 3,000 individuals sampled from the 2 sample frames. We received 1,891 (66%) returned questionnaires, 1,879 of which were usable. License sales increased 1.4% from the 2002 season (289,000) to the 2003 season (293,000). Comparisons of results from 2002-03 season to 2003- 04 season suggest harvest estimates increased for 5 game animal categories (pheasant, dove, woodcock, gray squirrel, and coyote), decreased for 7 categories (rabbit, quail, fox squirrel, raccoon, red fox, gray fox, and opossum), and could not be calculated for 1 category (gray partridge). Use of the internet by hunters and types of hunting licenses purchased were profiled, as were attitudes toward wildlife and wildlife management and some general information about hunters.

Originally Deposited as: 1178

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 12 06 2006
Date Last Modified: 12 06 2006

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1. Results of the 2003-2004 Illinois Hunter Harvest Survey (20061206183529_HH0304ReportFinal.pdf).
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