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  • Results of the 2004-2005 Illinois Trapper Survey


  • A stratified random sample of 722 persons who purchased a 2004 resident Illinois trapping license was surveyed after the furbearer trapping season. Self-administered questionnaires were mailed to 684 of the licensees, and 540 (79%) returned questionnaires (n = 535 useable). Trapping license sales increased 11% from 2003 (2,871 licenses) to 2004 (3,194). Trappers set an average of 24.4 traps for 30.6 days during the 2004-2005 season, and they harvested an estimated 168,367 furbearers (a 21% increase from the 138,843 furbearers harvested in 2003-2004). We documented sightings of uncommon furbearers by trappers, fur harvest by hunting, season date preferences, and knowledge/interest in educational materials.

Originally Deposited as: 1141

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 12 01 2006
Date Last Modified: 12 01 2006

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1. Results of the 2004-2005 Illinois Trapper Survey (20061201184844_Trap04-05Reportfinal.pdf).
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