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Users should pay particular attention to version identification or dates of publication of documents retrieved. Earlier, possibly superseded, versions of documents are also stored here. TitleFY 2006 Capital Budget
- the Fiscal Year 2006 Capital Budget, which reflects a fiscally prudent approach toward stewardship of taxpayer dollars and targets scarce capital resources to strategic priorities such as job creation, education, the environment, and public safety. This budget makes the tough choices needed to help get the state back on track. It is designed to be affordable within resources available to pay for the states capital program. I have chosen to squeeze the system, rather than raise taxes on working people, in order to pay for our priorities. But we continue to craft budgets that reflect and protect the priorities of the people of Illinois. This capital budget targets a greater proportion of our investment dollars than ever toward schools across the state. My Opportunity Returns program supports economic development in every corner of the state, as well as the transportation infrastructure that underpins the states economy. In addition, I am dedicating ten percent of spending supported from new revenues available for capital, to investments that assure a healthy environment for our children and for future generations.
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1. The FY 2006 Capital Budget (20060916184556_FY06CAPITALBOOK.pdf).Document Size:7656523 Software: Acrobat Distiller Version: 7.0 (Windows) This is part of a series. It is part of FY ... Capital Budget: 743