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  • DCFS Pilot Program Elderly/Frail Child Caregivers


  • This memorandum of understanding, entered into this 7th day of April, 2006, by and between the State of Illinois, acting through the Department of Children and Family Services, hereunder referred to as the Department and State Representative Barbara Flynn Currie, Majority Leader of the Illinois House of Representatives. DCFS agrees to allocate approximately $100,000 for a pilot program of services that will include the provision of necessary social work and legal services to be provided to selected older and ill caregivers, and the families of recently deceased caregivers, including those who will or have adopted or will or have taken guardianship of children previously in Department custody.

Originally Deposited as: 359

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 04 10 2006
Date Last Modified: 04 10 2006

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