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  • Illinois PaCE Postsecondary and Career Expectations (Middle School)


  • Illinois PaCE Postsecondary and Career Expectations At the middle school and early high school level, the Illinois Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Framework is designed to provide students with guided exploration of postsecondary planning and options in a manner that is consistent with adolescent development. Meaningful participation in post-secondary preparation programs requires that students perceive college and/or career as possible and probable. Too often, programs are designed to serve only students who already have a college-going or career-oriented identity. The developmental work in the middle school framework is intended to prepare students to more fully engage with the PaCE Framework throughout the critical high school years.

Originally Deposited as: 210375

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2023
Number or Issue: July

Date Created: 04-06-2023
Date Last Modified: 08-02-2023

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1. Middle School Portion of the Illinois PaCE Framework (Middle-School-Illinois-PaCE-Framework-07012023.pdf).
Document Size: Software: Adobe Illustrator Version: 27.4 (Macintosh)