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  • An evaluation of the homicide and violent crime strike force program in Madison and St. Clair counties


  • The Madison and St. Clair County areas have experienced severe levels of violent crime in the last decade. This was most noticeably true in the St. Clair County community of East St. Louis whereboth high per capita homicide rates and high unsolved homicide figures continued for a number of years. In response to this problem the Homicide and Violent Crime Strike Force (herinafter referred to as the task force) was created to operate in Madison and St. Clair counties. This study was funded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority as an implementation and impact evaluation of the task force.

Originally Deposited as: 208083

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 1998
Number or Issue: April

Date Created: 06-01-1997
Date Last Modified: 06-01-1997

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