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Electronic Documents of Illinois

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  • The Impact of Illinois' Truth-in-Sentencing Law on Sentence Lengths, Time to Serve and Disciplinary Incidents of Convicted Murderers and Sex Offenders


  • After 15 years of actual experience with TIS in Illinois, and thousands of offenders being sentenced under the law, the current study sought to answer two of the key questions regarding the implementation and impact of Illinois TIS law as it pertains to convicted murderers and sex offenders: 1) has TIS changed the sentence lengths and lengths of time to serve in prison for murderers and sex offenders, and if so, to what degree, and 2) has TIS had an influence on the extent and nature of disciplinary infractions of inmates admitted to prison for murder and sex offenses subject to the law, and if so, to what degree.

Originally Deposited as: 207379

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2009
Number or Issue: June

Date Created: 07-23-2009
Date Last Modified: 07-23-2009

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