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  • Alternatives to Illinois Budget Deficit: An Analysis of Proposed Solutions by Gubernatorial Candidates, Elected Officials, and Public Policy Organizations


  • The state of Illinois currently maintains a major budget deficit of approximately $15 billion. Such a deficit undoubtedly impacts the normal delivery of state programs and services to the public in a negative manner. Consequently, gubernatorial candidates, elected officials, and public policy organizations have introduced several proposals regarding Illinois budget deficits for discussion and consideration into the public arena. In this process of public consideration, Illinois voters have the opportunity to actively support or oppose the merits of these proposals by voting in favor or against certain candidates who support or oppose them and by expressing their opinions directly to their state representatives and senators who might eventually vote on a particular proposal in the legislative process. They can also be informed citizens about the general content and merit of these proposals by paying attention to news reports, public debates, policy seminars, and survey results.

Originally Deposited as: 176073

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2011
Number or Issue: January

Date Created: 01-25-2011
Date Last Modified: 01-25-2011

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